Digital Affiliate World

Digital Education Tips for Teachers and Fun Classroom Ideas

We are now seeing schools and universities in almost every country stating that e-learning has to be part of the teaching system Instructors, professors, and students must adapt to digital education for teachers, to this fundamental change.

The world has changed over the last years. The presence of the COVID-19 virus within this decade has changed our lifestyle. Let’s be honest, we are really missing those days where we could have meetings with our friends. Now, we are seeing them through phone screens mostly.

I don’t say this is bad but it really makes us miss our old life. We now realize how beautiful our old life was. And these were just part of our changing world.

Although designing and managing an online class can take significant time and effort, it can also fun. Teachers also must be educated on digital education.

They have to learn how to control and manage online classes. In addition, not all students will be familiar with virtual tools. As you learn yourself, you have to explain the tools to your students to avoid any complications.

For these reasons, we have included some tips that both teachers and students can use during their classes to having fun and quality time.

In this article, we will pursue three purposes to aid digital education for teachers:

  1. What tools can a teacher use to hold these online classes?
  2. How can instructors make online classes more fun?
  3. Important tips for online classes

What tools can a teacher use to hold these online classes?

Here, we have stated three useful and free tools that you can use for online teachings.

1- Application of “CK-12” as a cost-effective online source of education material

This website can be a good source for those students looking for educational material at the lowest cost. The aim of the CK-12 organization is to distribute academic books for all individuals around the world using its own platform.

We know that most students can face a tough situation for purchasing books for their university or schools. However, they can obtain these materials at low prices from the website. In addition, the website included videos, audios, and interactive exercises that were modified based on the needs of the teachers or students.

2- Sending Feedback to students through “ClassDojo”

Since students are not attending school, being appreciated in person may not be possible. Appreciation and reward are things that students need from their instructors. These are motivations to be exact.

Most students lost their motivation to study during the lockdown. Sometimes, they don’t even wake up for their online class or they attend the class like a bunch of sleepyheads. So, how can we motivate them?


How students can be rewarded for their efforts in an online environment? “ClassDojo” is the tool we recommend for this purpose. Because, the students cannot see their teacher face-to-face in their class, instructors can utilize this application to send feedback to their students. Students want their instructor positive feedback to start doing their things at their home. For example, the students will get extra points for their collaboration.

3-  “Dropbox” and “OneDrive” can be great platforms for uploading the teaching materials

In a traditional classroom, instructors usually bring the teaching materials such as exams, papers, etc., to the classroom and share them among the students. In addition, students are required to do the same thing, to bring their assignments and homework to the classroom. What should teachers and students do in the online environment?

The answer to this question is so easy. There are two online file storage providers, “One Drive” and “DropBox” that both teachers and students can easily use. These are the websites that can be simply used by both to share their teaching materials and homework for everyone to see.

These websites also allow you to create a folder for specific reasons and specific individuals. When all the files are uploaded, all you need to do is to send a link and the receiver will easily access the files.

In addition, we have seen from a variety of schools in the U.S. that the schools themselves have designed a certain application in this regard that teachers and students can simply use.

4- Planning application

We know that planning for a couple of classes and managing all of them at different times of the days can be quite overwhelming. Well, technology has come to your aid. For improving the time management skills, an application “Planboard” has been designed for android and IOS phones and tablets. Using this application, teachers can simply manage their class and the number of breaks.

How can instructors make online classes more fun?

We cannot deny that some classes can be quite boring and some can be fun. Boring classes will just make students fall asleep or pay no attention to what the teacher says and start talking to each other.

In this regard, teachers must use different methods to change the online class environment. In the following sections, we have provided a couple of methods that digital educators will find useful.

1) Funny videos and animated pictures must be used for teachings

The one I am going to talk about is not just for online classes but also for traditional ones. I am an accounting student myself. We have one class called “Business Contracts” that is so boring and sometimes, I just want to head out because of my professor’s speech. What do you think the teacher must use to bring fun into the class?

Everyone loves animations. Why not mixing teachings with animated videos and pictures? If it was my class, I will be happy to attend the class and enjoy it. If the instructor can teach his knowledge through the use of animations, the class will be more fun and students will more eager to join in. the animations all depend on the instructors’ creativity.

There were videos a couple of years ago that went viral on YouTube where the instructor used his own pre-prepared video on some presentation to do some funny stuff and change the students’ mood. It really did. Of course, I don’t say mimic his move instructors. But try to do some creativity especially if you want to attract more students to the class during the lockdown because students need some motivation.

2) Find out what students like

What are the things that derive students toward studies? Their goals and interests. The digital teachers must find the things that make the students attend the classroom.

  • Do your students like music? You know what I am talking about. The music of challenges that went viral on Instagram. Some may hate it but some will try to do the challenge when the music on. Try to find out the students’ taste of music.
  • I love movies, especially Marvel movies. I can talk to you for hours about “Avenger: Infinity War” and “Avengers Endgame”. This is just one of the things that students may be interested in. When you have given break to the students, talk with them, and try to understand what they really like, find their hobbies, and make the conversation around these interests.

3) Create a number of groups for answering quiz questions

Before the lockdown, instructors used to create different groups of two or more students for discussion around a certain topic, to test their knowledge of related and non-related to the class subject. This can also be done in online classes.

For the purpose of group discussions, instructors can use different remote telecommunications applications such as Zoom or Skype. The teacher can set up a group chat and add a couple of students. Then he/she can determine a certain subject that individuals can talk about. Any group that has better knowledge will be rewarded with positive points.

This can also for quizzes too. The instructor can assign certain individuals to a number of groups and then ask them the questions. Any of the groups that answer the questions quickly will be also rewarded. These points will not be left into history. No. they will have their effect on the scores of the school.

4) Planning and managing is important

Coming to class with a plan will result in a not desirable outcome. If the teacher comes to the class just to give students a long lecture, they will be less interested to join the class or listen to the instructor.  Even the teacher can be quite tired after two much talking and writing. In an online class, this case will be more intensified because the student’s motivation has been declined to staying at home for too long.

For the above reasons, teachers must manage their time for class. They have to consider how long they want to teach and how much time to spare for breaks. I quote from many students that “teachers should spare more time for breaks”.

In this regard, we recommend more knowledge on digital education for teachers:

“You can divide the time for lecturing the information into small and simple parts. In other words, you can avoid long talks and take things simple and small.”

Important tips for online classes

Although online classes can be a good solution for the times that all students are locked up at their house, teachers must remember some important tips while teaching at their online classes. Not just for their own sake but for the students’ also.

The level of motivation has been decreased considerably

There was a time that students were attending schools, their classes. In traditional learning, they used to meet up with their friends and teachers. Being forced to study in online classes, however, make the students to be isolated at their house. Isolation made students less motivated and more depressed due to not seeing their peers.

Teachers must consider the following tips if they want to avoid students’ depression and bring up the level of their motivation:

  • You cannot imagine the power of names. Try to learn your students’ names and call them by their names. This can create a friendlier teacher-student relationship.
  • As we have mentioned above, appreciation is one of the factors that can affect the students’ moods, bringing their mood higher. If you want to motivate your student, appreciate their efforts by giving them positive points.
  • Negativity is in the air. Trust me. Many students have less hope for their future and they think that the current situation will remain forever. They are young and less experienced. Some individuals are positive in nature. But some individuals are not. You must be the ones that change the class atmosphere. But how can you do that?
  • o Tell a joke to laugh about. This will certainly do its job.
  • o Ask about your students’ day. Try to give them hope and a smile. A smile can bring a lot of change.

Patience is the key to success in online teaching

Know that not every student will open up to you right away. I have seen students that will talk about anything at the first meeting and they will find a way to bring a new subject to talk about. You will get lost in their words.

But not all individuals are the same. Some don’t have a good focus and don’t engage with the class and other students very well. You have to be patient with these kids. Give them bream some time. They will click with you eventually and talk with you about the issues.


Digital education for teachers is not a new concept. It has been going on for years now. But during the last couple of months, this method has become widespread especially in the education system. Getting adapted to this method can be tough and challenging for both students and instructors.

Teachers must get ready for carrying out this important task. Success in this area will take time and needs some education. In this article, we have provided you with tools and tips that can really bring your digital education to a new level. We hope that this article will be a great help for teaching purposes.

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